
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

So we've got two playtest groups that are doing extremely good work, as well as one artist that is as well.

I wanted to give a shout out to all of you wonderful people for your time and work and everything you're doing to help this game of ours become a reality. I find myself deeply moved by everyone's professionalism, grace and dedication.

Here's a video of one of our awesome playtest groups going through Act 1 of the scenario. I'm working on Act 2 now, which is presenting it's own set of challenges. Once I get it done here in a few weeks, we'll be playtesting that too.

And if ya'll are really good I'll start posting up some of the art we're getting back from our fantastic artist as well.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Writers live in their own private hell

I swear to god when I'm done re-writing this playtest module I'll be able to write anything. Hunchback of Notre Dame? No Problem. For whom the bell tolls? Child's play. Paradise lost? More like paradise.... Floss?

So here's some advice if you want to write your own roleplaying games: be prepared to write the same thing about ten times. Then have it torn to shreds when you playtest, and then write it again.

In theory, if you can get through that, you've got the chops to be an RPG writer. I'll let you know if it works out for me.