
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Dawn of a Glorious new Era of Wuxia Roleplaying

Finally time folks. Time to get serious about this game publishing business:

What's in this thing?

  • A complete introduction to the universe of Tian Shang, written by the brilliant David Ramirez
  • An introductory adventure for new and experienced RPGers
  • A shakedown of Tian Shang's fantastic kung-fu action system
  • Breathtaking art from Christof Grobelski and Frederick Davis
  • Prebuilt characters: Tripitaka, synthetic son of Heaven, and the terrifying genetic immortal Sun Wukong, the Monkey King

The best part? You can pick it up for as much or little as you care to donate, true believers. Even after all the art, editing, layout, etc., we pass zero cost on to you. Let the fire of heaven burn brightly in your souls! A new, glorious era of Wuxia Roleplaying dawns!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Character sheet

Projects projects everywhere.

As I'm completing the writing on the Lone Wolf Fists playtest, Vic and the rest of the team are hard at work as ever on All Above Heaven Act 1.

As proof of that, behold this glorious new character sheet:

Look at that beauty! Now, don't you playtesters be shy either: We need to figure out of my intuition on the usability of this sheet is accurate.

Soon you should all have an opportunity to playtest both Act 1 and Lone Wolf Fists in it's glorious new playtest draft.

God we're so close I can taste it. Now, to chug just a few more gallons of coffee...