
Saturday, June 10, 2017

Some fiction from Parliament of Crocodiles

The grin spread across his face like cancer “Thanks for meeting me so late, Bob”

Bob shook the offered hand “I didn’t know you were doing business in this part of town, Frank” he regarded the crumbling project buildings with a contempt reserved for rotting teeth “You’re punching below your weight class, don’t you think?”

Frank kept smiling, his eyes hard and glassy “Oh I’m not selling down here Bob” behind his head, the insectile horror in his brain snaked a chitinous tendril from the base of his skull

Bob pulled his fingers from Frank’s uncomfortably tight grip. A note of unease crept into his voice “So what are we doing out here Frank?”

“This-” Frank plunged the tendril into Bob’s eye socket “-Is talent acquisition, Bob”

Also, here's the latest cover mockup:

That font is Endor, which is made by the good people at Apostrophic Labs

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