
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tripitaka, the Monkey King, and the Robots

Here are those character sheets I promised!


There's that wonderful Grobelski piece, plus a little splash-intro to the character. I tried to keep in punchy, but to give a definite direction to a player picking this up for the first time.

Here you're seeing what a character sheet looks like on the table. It's meant to be functional; the empty circles are places that you literally place dice after you roll them, or save then in the focus slots. You're meant to write health in the health boxes. The pools of Prana are meant to have tokens placed in them (glass beads were used in the in-house playtesting). You're also getting a peek at the advancement system as well; again, those empty spaces are meant to be filled with tokens, dice, or writing at the player's preference.

Here's our current layout for the Siddhis and Gupt Kala sheet (your special kung-fu techniques). these are tied to advancement; as you learn newer, more powerful techniques, your overall power level increases, resulting in more action dice, focus slots, and accessible chakra. The empty areas under "power" are meant to contain either the rules text of the technique, or a brief summary and page number for ease of reference.

Sun Wukong

The Robot (Sentry)

The sentry here doesn't have a character sheet, but it's still laid out in such a way as to be functional if printed and placed on a table during a game. A big part of the strategy of this game relies on players being able to see what the bad guy's resources look like (this is often referred to as "system transparency"). What it's action pool has rolled, what it's saved in focus slots, how much Prana it has and will get in future rounds, and how much damage it's taken are all big and clear, so that players can gain familiarity with the strategic elements of gameplay from the quickstart.

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