
Monday, June 11, 2018

Lone Wolf Fist: the Eyebleed playtest

Well, that's 14 days of life-shattering work done, right there.

I just uploaded a still somewhat incomplete playtest document to DTRPG for their review (which is apparently in the 1-5 business day range, who knew?). There are a few significant elements missing from the work; like, the map and the content therein is a notable exclusion.

But its probably better this way. There's enough in the book for enterprising GMs to playtest, and that's the important thing.

Jesus... I'm going to let the rest of this caffeine bleed out of my system then catch up on some sleep. Stay tuned for more updates over the next week true believers, including those feedback cards I promised, the Five Star Spirit Lore, and of course a link to the Eyebleed playtest (so named for the current state of the creator's eyeballs) when it becomes available.

Oh, and if you're one of those unhealthy individuals who wants to constantly click F5 for the next work week, this is our publisher's page and presumably it'll pop up there whenever its approved.

Later: It's here! Come and read this mess!


  1. Hey Joel, you haven't had a comment on one of your blog posts for a month, have you given thought to creating a discord or other social space to accumulate feedback and a small group of fans and playtesters? It's a lot of time and work diverted from the actual product, but a community is important to an RPG for so, so many reasons. It's easy for someone to become lost in their labors of love when the finish line is also in view.

    1. It's a good idea! I've been trying to foster and grow that community by talking about the game on public forums, but having our own space is a good thought. Let me check out what options I have for something like that.

      If you have any additional suggestions, I'm all ears!

    2. I set up a little discord for it, if you want to drop by!:

      It's not bad! I like the "closeness" of chat rooms; they really let me pick your collective brains!


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