
Friday, June 22, 2018

Lone Wolf Fists: How do I map this setting, brah?

Working on the map right now. I did a terrible freehand sketch, then a terrible MSPaint sketch, so I settled on doing it in hexographer

Yeah look at that ruined, broken world. It kinda looks like it's on fire. Go Hexographer!

I've been struck with the need to add a new size category to the maps. Right now its:

Largest: Entire Map. All the linked-together Regions
Middle: Regions. City/country sized areas with content keyed to them
Smallest: Battlefields. Apartment-to-football-field sized areas where characters fight

In this set up, Regions are composed of Battlefields. That means that countries are diced up into rough neighborhood-sized chunks; that's a ton of Battlefields.

I'm thinking of adding a "Point of Interest" tier, big enough to contain several Battlefields but small enough that several of them can fit within a Region. 

That will allow GMs to make a given Region come alive with multiple, discrete areas of content. Somewhat similar to the map>hex>dungeon>room content of D&D (if this concept is totally alien to you, I humbly recommend you learn of it the way I did and read these fantastic articles on the illustrious Alexandrian site)

Note: I'm not certain of the legality of using this exact map in a product I sell. I'm also somewhat hesitant about using hexes, since they're largely maligned by modern gamers. So this is just a little rough visual draft to help me create and key some content, not a final map by any means.


  1. Exploration-heavy games are seemingly making a comeback (cf. Mutant Year Zero, Forbidden Lands, or The Magical Land of Yeld), so maaaybe hexes will one day be cool again (beyond the current OSR circles, that is).

  2. One can only hope. I'd hate to have done all this reading ( and never get another opportunity to use it...


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